A workshop about the Hungarian nuclear technology, organized by CETEMCOM, was held in Vietnam between the 9th and 17th of December 2013. The delegation aimed to present the experience of Hungary in fields of education and training in nuclear technology for the Vietnamese universities and research institutes.
The primary objective of the workshop was to present and share all the theoretical and practical experience of Hungary’s research in fields of the education of nuclear technology, and also to demonstrate the tools and devices required for research and education. The Hungarian delegation list included educational institutions and device manufacturers as well. Among the educational institutions the Institute of Nuclear Techniques of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and the Radiochemistry Institute of Pannonia University must be highlighted, who have demonstrated their achievements in the field of education of nuclear technology for the students and teachers who appeared at the event. Device manufacturer partners, such as GAMMA, CAEN, SPECTECH, THERMO and ORTEC, presented their equipment used for education and research.
The workshop was organized at 8 universities and colleges across the country, including the capital, Hanoi, and two other cities: Danang and Ho Chi Minh. The presentations were a great success, they attracted many teachers and researchers at all venues. As a result, strengthening cooperation between the two countries are expected in the future.
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