In the morning of January 09, 2012, in Hanoi Deputy Minister of Science and Technology KH&CN Le Dinh Tien had a meeting and worked with the delegates of the Hungarian Government led by the Hungarian Secretary of State for Ministry of Development, Kovács Pál, who is in charge of energy and environment,.
During the meeting, Deputy Minister Le Dinh Tien has presented the implementation status of the nuclear power plant in Vietnam. Deputy Minister Le Dinh Tien affirmed that the decision on developing nuclear power in Vietnam has been very important to ensure energy security for the country. During the development and use of atomic energy for peaceful purpose, Vietnam has showed to be a responsible nation. Especially, after the incident of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, Vietnam is considering the security, safety and efficiency of nuclear power at the highest level.
Read more: Strengthening cooperation between Vietnam and Hungary in atomic energy field
After the Fukushima accident, the Council of the European Union decided to carry out a comprehensive safety reassessment of the NPPs in its member states. The official remark for the so-called “stress test” is "Targeted Safety Reassessment".
The Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority has, following the reassessment, obliged the licensee (MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant Plc.) to draw up a detailed action plan in order to facilitate the measures enhancing nuclear safety.
Nuclear training of fourty Vietnamese university lecturers (which organised by CETEMCOM) began at the BME. During the three-week long special training the lecturers and researchers of the Institute of Nuclear Techniques present the methodology and the essential knowledge of the Institute’s nuclear educational and training program.
Following an agreement between Hungary and Vietnam, nuclear training of forty Vietnamese university lecturers began on the 12th September 2012 in the Institute of Nuclear Techniques of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. During the 3-week program the Vietnamese experts attend lectures in English about the safe use of nuclear energy, and also perform laboratory exercises at the Training Reactor of the BME. After this 3-week program their training continues in the Nuclear Power Plant Paks for further 3 weeks.
The nuclear education and training series (organised by CETEMCOM) for Vietnamese university professionals, which was started on 12th September 2012, arrived at a new stage: on 29th of October 2012 the training of a new group of 34 pepole has started at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME).
The Vietnamese professionals spend the first three weeks of the 6-week-long training program at the Institute of Nuclear Techniques of BME, where they study the most important subjects and methodologies of nuclear university education by attending lectures and by performing laboratory experiments. In the second three weeks the program continues with practical on-site training at the MVM Paks Nuclear Power Plant.
The third Vietnamese group (which organised by CETEMCOM) started the nuclear upgrading studies in the BME Insitute of Nuclear Techniques on the 11th March 2013. Within the framework of the educational agreement between Hungary and Vietnam 43 university professionals arrive to Budapest for the six-week upgrading course in nuclear science and technology. The first group of 40 persons arrived in September 2012 and they were followed by the second group of 32 persons in October 2012.
Training at BME